Language Lives in Ipswich

A Book Festival for the Lovers of Words and the Art that Accompanies It

A Book Festival for
the Lovers of Words and the Art that Accompanies It.

The Language Lives Festival aims to foster an appreciation for the interconnectedness of literature, art, children's literature and art books by inviting visual artists, recorded voice actors, designers, poets, novelists, and writers of all kinds to participate. It will provide a platform for these talented individuals to showcase their work and engage with the community in the creative process. 

Tentative Thursday & Friday

(Tentative) Thursday “Language Lives: Poetry & Spoken Word” 
Verse, Spoken Word, Lyric Poetry: No matter the style authors are welcome to stand up with never spoken or published, modern or historic, memorized or notes in hand. Poets and Writers can sign up for a 3, 5, or 8 minute block. Ebsco Hall, 5 Peatfield Street, Ipswich, MA 6pm-9pm. There is no cost to authors or speakers to take part. 

(Tentative) Friday “Language Lives: Illuminating Stories”
Bring characters, plot and transformation to this live story telling event. Yes, you can bring notes.
5:30-6:30 pm Stories of Illumination for Families. All Stories must be family friendly and be centered around the concept of light in the world. Stories of the summer in Ipswich under the sun, fireworks, stories of doing good deeds.
7-8pm Stories of Illumination for Teens. All stories should take us back in time to high school or college. All ages are welcome to perform.
8-9pm Stories that focus on Language and how people communicate. Bring stories of confusion, misunderstanding and how what we say and what we mean might not always line up. Stories should be intended for adult audiences.
Ebsco Hall, 5 Peatfield Street, Ipswich, MA 5:30pm-9pm. Authors and readers can sign up for a 5 minute block. There is no cost to the author to take part. 

Overview Saturday & Sunday 

“On the Stage” Throughout the day people are invited onto the stage to take part in specific topics lead by a range of community members. Each session will have it’s own flavor depending on the facilitator.

Participants can sign up for a table space by the day at the Expo. Table must be provided by the participant. Multiple artists and writers can share a table. Tables can be used for book signings, the sale of goods, small workshops or how to demos.  All participants who sign up for a table space must be willing to have their table set up for the duration of the day. Artists and writers may sell original illustrations, photography, paintings, books, reproductions an other 2 dimensional artwork at the event that relate to the connection between art & writing. 60”x30”table space and smaller is $25. 96”x30” table space and smaller is $45 per day.

Artists with 2 dimensional art, photography, and illustration are encouraged to sign up. Writers, voice actors, art and writing teachers, publishers, bloggers and other artists who work with the printed word are invited to take part one or both days. Unfortunately craft artists and 3 dimensional artists are not appropriate for this event and are encouraged to take part in the event at Town Hall during Illuminations.   

Language Lives

Language Lives will be a celebration of the visual & literary arts in north eastern Massachusetts. It's a great opportunity for aspiring authors to understand more about getting their work into the community, self-publish authors to share their work, and for the community learn about those making art and literature.

The festival plans to host a variety of events that include readings and panel discussions, book signings, open mics, poetry slams, children’s story telling, live short story competitions and more. Attendees will have the chance to connect with celebrated authors and publishers while they enjoy the unique atmosphere.

Artists, illustrators and photographers interested in their work:
being in a book; used for book covers; or used to inspire literature are also invited to take part in the event.

Writers and 2 dimensional artists can have an outdoor booth to sell original art and books.

Publishers, voice actors, podcasters and others in the literature community with information to share about getting your literature into the world are invited to host a speaking engagement.

Writers, teachers, poets and illustrators are invited to host workshops in their table space or on the stage to share their craft with other in the community.

Fall 2023

An Art & Authoring Festival festival for the printed book, spoken word and the art that accompanies and inspires it.

Ipswich, Massachusetts

The Art & Authoring Festival is designed to run during the annual Illumiation Celebration. The Town of Ipswich, in partnership with Creative County Initiative, creates a weekend long community event to inspire generations throughout the area. Illumination, now in its 14th year, features a collection of interactive art installations, live music, poetry, projection, bonfires and more along the Ipswich River the weekend of October 6-8, 2023. The goal of our event will be to engage additional people in the literary community, including the Ipswich Public library and local educators to take part in the event.