More than a Book Exhibition
Illuminate Ipswich

Help us transform Ebsco Hall into an interactive Exhibition Hall for those who engage with Literature. 

  • 2D Artists, Photographers, Illustrators, and Designers
  • Authors, Poets, Bloggers, and Writers of all kinds
  • Publishers and Editors
  • Voice Actors and Recording Studios
  • Live Spoken Word Performers, Professional Storytellers
  • If your Art interacts with the World of Literature, please join us
Language Lives


Authors, Poets, and Voice Actors are invited to share their work and voices with the event attendees. 

Exhibit at Ebsco Hall during
Illuminations 2023

Artists with 2 dimensional art, photography, and illustration are encouraged to sign up. Writers, voice actors, art and writing teachers, publishers, bloggers and other artists who work with the printed word are invited to take part one or both days.

Emerging Writers & Artists

This Art & Authoring Festival is open to established and emerging writers and artists. Students young and seasoned are encouraged to take part in the event and the event planning.  

Language Lives

Exhibition Space

Saturday & Sunday: Participants can sign up for a table space by the day. Table must be provided by the participant. Multiple artists and writers can share a table. All participants who sign up for a table space must be willing to have their table set up for the duration of the day. Artists and writers may sell original illustrations, photography, paintings, books, reproductions an other 2 dimensional artwork at the event that relates to the connection between art & writing.
60”x30”table space and smaller is $25.
96”x30” table space and smaller is $45 per day.

Unfortunately craft artists and 3 dimensional artists are not appropriate for this event and are encouraged to take part in the events at Town Hall during Illuminations.   

On The Stage

You don't have to be a well known author or artist to book a time on the Speakers Stage. This Art & Authoring Festival is looking for interesting people and organizations share information in a relaxed conversational forum open to the public. 

Book a Table

Table space for selling illustrations, books, art and photography.  Join together with colleagues, peers or man the space alone.  

Do a Book Reading or Signing

"On the Stage" or at a Table promote your printed work. 
You can also plan to spend your time at the event touring, chatting and making connections with people for collaboration.

Join Us

Language Lives

Perform - Language Lives in Ipswich

Thursday, October 5th
Help kick off Illuminations 2023 at Ebsco Hall
Language Lives: Poetry & Spoken Word - Theme: Illuminate
Verse, Spoken Word, Lyric Poetry: No matter the style authors are welcome to stand up with never spoken or published, modern or historic, memorized or notes in hand. Poets and Writers can sign up for a 3, 5, or 8 minute block. 

Friday, October 6th
Language Lives: Illuminating Stories
Bring characters, plot and transformation to this live story telling event. Yes, you can bring notes. All blocks will be 5 minutes and arranged by target audience. (i.e. family friendly stories earlier and adult themes later in the evening)

Join Us - We are looking for... 

  • 2D Artists that create work that could translate to book design, illustration, book cover photography and art to host a table at the event
  • Writers, poets, voice actors and spoken word performers to take part in "On the Stage" sessions and Open Mic events
  • Poetry Slam / Spoken Word Organizer
  • Live Storytelling Trainer / Organizer
  • Poetry Slam / Spoken Word MC
  • Live Storytelling MC