Perform @ Language Lives

There are a range of opportunities for poets, authors and storytellers on Thursday & Friday evenings.

Book time "On the Stage" Time to show off or share your talents.  Throughout the day people are invited onto the stage to take part in specific topics lead by a range of community members. Each session will have its own flavor depending on the facilitator.

Language Lives

Take Part

On The Stage @ The Expo

Experience the vibrant pulse of the Language Lives Festival by booking your time "On the Stage." This is your opportunity to step into the limelight, connect with the community, and share your passion, insights, and talents with a captivated audience.

Why Book "On the Stage" Time?

  • Showcase Your Expertise: Exhibitors and speakers can use this platform to conduct book readings, offer glimpses into their creative process, and delve into the intricacies of their craft. It's a golden chance to share your work, ideas, and experiences with a receptive audience.
  • Engage with the Community: Language Lives Festival is all about fostering connections and celebrating the diversity of language and culture. Booking time "On the Stage" allows you to engage directly with the community, forging new connections and deepening existing ones.
  • Dive into Varied Topics: Throughout the day, the stage becomes a dynamic hub where a range of community members lead sessions on diverse topics. Each session has its own unique flavor, depending on the facilitator. From poetry readings to discussions on language preservation, there's something for everyone.
  • Inspire and Educate: Your presence on the stage can inspire and educate others. Whether you're an author, artist, or expert in your field, your insights can leave a lasting impact, sparking new ideas and perspectives among the audience.
  • Embrace Creativity: "On the Stage" offers a platform for creativity to flourish. It's a space where you can let your imagination run wild, experiment with new ideas, and bask in the spotlight of artistic expression
Book Time on the Stage at Ebsco Hall

Book Time on the Stage at Ebsco Hall

Ebsco Hall - Peatfield Street, Ipswich - Just steps from the Commuter Rail

Ebsco Hall - Peatfield Street, Ipswich
Just steps from the Commuter Rail - Newburyport Line - Ipswich

Join us on the Language Lives Festival stage and make a lasting impression. Your contribution enriches the festival's tapestry of voices and experiences, making it an event to remember.
We can't wait to see you shine "On the Stage"!

Read or Talk

Authors, Poets, and Voice Actors are invited to share their work and voices with the event attendees. 

Emerging Writers & Artists

This Art & Authoring Festival is open to established and emerging writers and artists. Students young and seasoned are encouraged to take part in the event and the event planning.  

On The Stage

You don't have to be a well known author or artist to book a time on the Speakers Stage. This Art & Authoring Festival is looking for interesting people and organizations share information in a relaxed conversational forum open to the public. 

Book a Table

Table space for selling illustrations, books, art and photography.  Join together with colleagues, peers or man the space alone.  

Do a Book Reading or Signing

"On the Stage" or at a Table promote your printed work. 
You can also plan to spend your time at the event touring, chatting and making connections with people for collaboration.